9 Tips To Help Your Baby Enjoy Baths
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9 Tips to Help Your Baby Enjoy Baths
Bath time with your baby can go one of two ways. It's either a sweet time to bond and have your child explore the sensory sensation of water, or it's a tear-filled challenge. But just because bath time is hard now doesn't mean it'll always be stressful. By making some adjustments -- such as picking the right tub, temperature and time -- you can help your baby actually enjoy baths.
We rounded up nine helpful tips to help make bath time a pleasant experience for your baby.
Read more: Baby Bath Time: How to Bathe Your Newborn Baby
Tip 1: Keep your baby warm during the bath
Your baby's body loses heat four times faster than your own. And because you're not going to submerge them in water, bath time can make your baby chilly and uncomfortable.
If you're sponge bathing your newborn, you can keep them wrapped in a towel except for the part you're actively cleaning.
Once they graduate to a baby bathtub, it gets a little trickier. You shouldn't have them in more than a few inches of water, but that leaves their tiny body exposed to the air. Warm your bathroom up to about 75 degrees Fahrenheit and make sure you're gently splashing the bathwater over your baby throughout. You can also drape a warm washcloth over them and periodically submerge it in the bathwater to keep their temperature up.
All this might make you want to use hot water, but that isn't the best idea. Water doesn't have to be very hot to burn your baby or dry out their skin. The temperature should feel warm, not hot, when you test it on the inside of your wrist. If you have a bath thermometer, it should read 120 degrees Fahrenheit or lower.
Tip 2: Bathe your baby only a few times a week
Until your baby gets mobile, they don't need a daily bath. The experts at the Mayo Clinic say that bathing your baby three times a week is probably enough. More than that can irritate your baby's delicate skin, making bath time less enjoyable for them.
That means you don't need to force bath time if your baby isn't in the mood. If they're tired, hungry or just grumpy, you can skip the bath that day. As long as you thoroughly clean their diaper area every time they need to be changed, they should stay clean enough for another day.
Tip 3: Get prepped before you start bath time
You should never leave your child alone in the bath. Babies can drown even in small amounts of water. Plus, leaving them alone can make the bath feel scarier.
Before you run the water, make sure you have everything you need:
- Washcloths
- Gentle baby soap and baby shampoo
- Bath toys, if your baby's old enough to enjoy them
- Their baby bathtub, if applicable
- Towels to dry them off
- A clean diaper for afterward
The last thing you want is to have to run to the next room because you forgot something. But if you do, make sure you bring your baby with you (wrapped in a towel so they don't get cold).
Tip 4: Use soap sparingly during the bath
While you might have images of a bath filled with bubbles, skip it. Not only can excess soap irritate your baby's skin, but it can also lead to urinary tract infections. Instead, stick with a few drops of baby-safe soap or shampoo to clear away any grime.
Your baby's skin probably won't need any lotion afterward, but you can talk to your pediatrician if you notice dry skin. Just remember that anything you introduce onto your baby's skin can upset its delicate balance.
Tip 5: Make the bath part of your baby's routine
Your baby might feel more comfortable in the bath if you make it part of their routine. Some parents choose to integrate bath time into the bedtime routine, for example, using it to soothe their babies as they ready them for bed.
You don't have to make a hard-and-fast rule about when to bathe your baby. If they're fussy one night, it's OK to try again the next morning. Forcing bath time can make them dislike it even more.
Tip 6: Have fun during baby bath time
If your baby seems to like the water, use bath time as playtime. Splash around gently and let them play in the water, too. If you end up staying in the bath for a while and need to add more warm water, run the cold first to avoid scalding your baby and make sure you add warm, not hot, water.
Once your baby starts playing with toys, you might want to introduce them to the bath to make it more fun.
Tip 7: Use the right tub for your baby
To set you both up for an enjoyable bath, get the right type of tub for them.
While they have their umbilical stump, this means no tub at all. Your baby should only get sponge baths.
Once the umbilical area has healed, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends using a safe, sturdy bathtub without a fabric or mesh sling. This will give your baby the support they need while freeing up your hands to gently wash them, keep soap out of their eyes and see to their needs.
When your baby can sit up on their own, you can use a full-sized bath, but only fill it up a couple of inches.
Tip 8: Don't rush through bath time
If you're stressed during bath time, your baby can sense it. If you feel rushed, consider postponing the bath to the next day.
Bath time should be an opportunity for you and your baby to bond, maybe even playing together in the water. If you have to hurry through it, you're both going to have a less enjoyable time.
Tip 9: Make your baby comfortable after the bath
How good does it feel to get out of the shower and wrap yourself in a big, fluffy towel in a warm room? Your baby will enjoy that sensation, too.
Right after the bath ends, put a towel around them and use a second towel or washcloth to gently pat them dry. Don't forget to get inside any folds and rolls. Have a clean diaper and clothes, pajamas or a robe handy to get them back into something to keep them warm and comfy after their bath.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.